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Money Making Through Milk

Hey Guys,
Sorry for not posting for so long but Jing hasn't been working but now, finally, I got it running again.
Anyways, I found out a great way to make money. It's Simple.
Click on this to see tha larger version and to see the expensive cost of a Bucket Of Milk at G.E.

Here is a pic of the much cheaper Bucket Of Milk from the Milk Shop:
Here is a pic of what the Milk Lady Looks like:
And Here is her location and a quick way to get to G.E. From Her:
Just buy the milk from her and run to G.E. to sell it. a average profit of about 2.2k per inventory load, your profit might get lower as you go along so I recommend changing servers every time the price gets too high for your liking. Just tested it and the price doesn't change but change servers if there none left on your's. =)

Nubz Rule
Phibeos (Yes I changed my name once again =S will leave it like this)

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